Web projects

Bark ande Ambrosia Beetles of the Americas  This is my website, focusing on the bark and ambrosia beetles (Curculionidae: Scolytinae and Platypodinae) of the New World.

Atlas and Catalog of the Bark and Ambrosia Beetles of the Americas.  The main component is an interactive atlas and catalog of all species found in North, Central and South America and the Caribbean (2,033 species; 94,779 records). At present, all published information on species from the region has been incorporated. Host and distribution records are taken from 700 articles, monographs, and other databases. Numerous unpublished records are also included.

Image Library  The site also includes an image library (34,298 photographs and line drawings for 3,722 species). This is a joint project with Sarah Smith (Michigan State University). While we have contributed the bulk of the images, large numbers from other collaborators are also included. While most species are native to or introduced into the Americas, there is no geographic limitation and the number of images of Old World species is growing.

Catalog of the bark and ambrosia beetles of the World.   There are 7,856 species known world wide. In the near future a searchable list of all valid names, synonyms, and taxonomic acts will be made available.

On Line Data Base  Information presented on BarkBeetles.info is based on a database that includes 96,674 collection records for 7,856 species. The data tables include records on taxonomy and nomenclature, hosts, and geographic records.

Neotropical bark and ambrosia beetles

My main research interest lies in the systematics and comparative ecology of Neotropical bark beetles and ambrosia beetles.

Bark and ambrosia beetles of Mexico.   Most of my field work is based in Mexico. A long term goal is a monograph on the species found in Mexico. In 2015 and 2016 I will be focusing on field work in the northwest, specifically the states of Sonora, Chihuahua, Baja California, and Baja California Sur. Shorter term projects include:

  • Synopsis of the species of Scolytus from Mexico and Central America.
  • >Synopsis of the genus Dendroterus with a description of a new species.
  • >Synopsis of the genus Corthylus from Mexico and Central America.

Bark and ambrosia beetles of Brazil.  I have been working with Dr. Carlos Flechtmann of the Universidade Estadual Paulista, Ilha Solteira campus for over 10 years. Dr. Flechtmann and students have been surveying bark and ambrosia beetles in different regions in Brazil for over 20 years. A large number of specimens have been collected and we are sorting through this mass of specimens together, resulting in a steady stream of publications.

Neotropical Platypodinae (with L.R. Kirkendall, University of Bergen)  The New World Platypodinae have not been treated as a group in a monograph nor has a key ever been written. The last publication dealing with the group for Mesoamerica was Blandford (1896-1905). We have found a large number of undescribed species as well as species described from South America in Mexico and Central America. Several publications have already come out and a Monograph of the species from Mexico is in progress.


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